Dr. Saad Bin Abdulmohsin Al Rossais


Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. from 2014 until now He holds a bachelor’s degree in administrative sciences from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 1990 AD, and a master’s degree in Arab intellectual and scientific heritage from the League of Arab States in 2014 AD. He also obtained a doctorate degree in Arab intellectual and scientific heritage from the League of Arab States in 2023 AD.


Mr. Mohamed Bin Abdulmohsin Al Rossais

Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP Co., from 2019 until now. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 1990.


Mr. Mansor Bin Abdulmohsin Al Rossais

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP Co., from 2014 until now. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Sciences from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 1993.


Dr. Fawaz Bin Abdulmohsin Al Rossais

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors, ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP Co., since 2014. He obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Dental Medicine and surgery from King Saud University, Riyadh, in 1999. He holds a master’s degree in dentistry from Alexandria University, in cooperation with the University of Michigan, Egypt, in 2005.


Eng. Faisal Bin Abdulmohsin Al Rossais

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors and CEO of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Planning in Building Sciences from King Saud University in 1998. And a consultant degree from the Saudi Council of Engineers in 2015.


Eng. Sultan Bin Abdulmohsin Al Rossais

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, and Executive Vice President of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. since 2007. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in 2000.


Mrs. Hossa Bint Abdulmohsin Al Rossais

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO., since 2014. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1986.


His Excellency Sheikh. Abdulaziz Bin Mohamed Almuhanna

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. since 2020, he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sharia from Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1990.


Eng. Usama Bin Mohamed Makki Alkurdi

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. from 2021 until now. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in 1972.


Mr. Meshal Bin Saleh Al Saif

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. from 2021 until now


Mr. Saleh Bin Omer Bin Haidarah

Board Member

Member of the Board of Directors of ABDULMOHSIN AL ROSSAIS & SONS GROUP CO. from 2021 until now. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Al Bayt University in Jordan in 2003. He holds a master’s degree in accounting from Amman Arab University in Jordan in 2008.

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